Democracy on Life Support
For a long time, Americans have engaged in a form of willful
ignorance. It is woven into the ludicrous notion held by three quarters of
Republican males that white men are victims in America. You can hear it
operating in the treatment of women in the me-too stories and in Trump talking
about how he can do whatever he wants and women will like it. As Ta-Nehisi
Coates and others have argued, the US was founded on idealism with a giant
blind spot about race that we still have not come to terms with. That blindness
can be heard in phrases like: All Lives Matter. People who utter that are blind
to the mistreatment of black males by the police and the justice system.
That blindness is buried in the shock Americans feel when we
are attacked by terrorists. “Why do they hate us?” Americans ask ignoring our
endless wars, the presence of our troops overseas, our occupation of
Afghanistan. (Why are we there?). How
many countries do we have special ops in? Egypt, Oman, Libya, Syria, Pakistan,
Bahrain…How many drone strikes are occurring each day?
What kind of country ignores bi-weekly school shootings? Our
response to them is to buy more guns. Is it really surprising that the suicide
rate among white males has gone up? And what is the addiction to opioids but a
quest to numb the pain? This is, after all, the same country that legalized
torture and gave our government the right to detain people indefinitely without
charging them or putting them on trial. Guantanamo is a black spot on the soul
of our country.
From this angle, it was the election of Obama that was the
fluke, the aberration. Trump is a better representative of who we are. It
shouldn’t be a surprise when the Republican Party continues to support him. There’s
a deep state all right; it’s the one run by the Koch brothers, and their
friends. And it turns out that the internet, instead of being an open source
for information, is a great vehicle for propaganda. It turns out we’d rather
believe what we want to hear than what’s true.
Part of the impulse to elect Trump was, as Susan Sarandon
said, to blow things up. She may have had her finger on the button. Now Trump
has his finger on the button and hey, what do we have nuclear weapons for?